4 Inspirational Quotes To Stop Negative Thinking


As creators, we suffer from negative thinking when it comes to practicing our craft. The irony is we create our own negative thoughts. Most of the negative thoughts and ideas are in our own heads. Using inspirational quotes to motivate yourself throughout the creative process is key.

Overcoming our own negative self-talk is not only good for our art, but good for our health and overall mental well-being. But how do we do this? I think the answer is simple: talk to yourself. (Disclaimer: do this silently, otherwise it could be awkward).

But get into your head and stop using negative words. It’s very easy to put ourselves into a mental negative feedback loop. One obstacle, one challenge or a failure leads us to think we’re not good enough. I recently experienced this myself where I fell into a trap of my own making. I was literally engaged in constant negative thinking for several days. There’s more than enough negative energy around us, you need to motivate yourself.

Inspirational Quotes

So of course, how do you this? Easy: inspirational quotes. Yes, another dose of quotes inspiring you to find success. But I’m not giving you some extensive list of random quotes. These 4 quotes work for your creativity and your daily life.

Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational Quotes


Living a creative life, practicing your craft and pursuing the inner creative entrepreneur is a challenge. A daily, minute-by-minute challenge. However, using a short list of inspirational quotes to reinforce your mental, positive self-talk will help you succeed.

You may ask is it that easy? Yes, it is. It’s easy to be your own worst critic. But it is just as easy to be your own biggest fan. Stay creative. Go, Do.

If you like this post or know someone who would, please feel free to share. Need more inspiration? Check out this original mandala piece here.

4 Inspirational Quotes To Stop Negative Thinking was originally published on Vincent Vicari Art

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